School is back in, porches are being decorated with pumpkins, and the mornings and evenings have a distinct crispness that can only mean one thing: Fall is almost here. While AquaRest Spas designed for year-round enjoyment, cool fall weather makes their warm waters especially inviting. If you will be using your spa much more often in the autumn months, right now is the perfect time to prepare your hot tub for the season!

Drain Your Spa and Start Fresh

How often you drain your spa will vary depending on how much you use it, but the end of a season is always a good marker for a scheduled water change.

Turn off the power to your spa before draining. Next, connect a garden hose to the nozzle of the EZ Access water drain valve, and place the other end of the hose at a drainage area away from your home’s foundation. Open the EZ Access drain valve and let your spa drain completely.

Wipe down your spa shell with a rag and a non-foaming gentle cleanser. Rinse out the shell to ensure that no cleaning agents remain before you refill it.

Clean or Replace your Filter Cartridge

Depending on spa usage, your filter will need to be replaced around once a year. This is a good time to check your filter to see whether it needs to be replaced or if a deep cleaning will do the trick. Use a filter flosser to deep clean between each pleat of the filter.

Refill the Spa

Fill your spa by placing the end of the hose in the filter cartridge area, so that your newly cleaned filter can get to work right away keeping contaminants out of the water.

If you live on property that uses well water or has hard water, consider using a hose end pre-filter on your hose as a first line of defense against small particles and contaminants that could cause water lines. Your local pool and spa store will be able to recommend a pre-filter for your water type.

Clean the Spa Cover

While your spa is filling, you have some time to give your hot tub cover a little TLC. Hose down the cover to loosen any dirt. Wipe it down with a gentle, non-foaming cleanser and a nonabrasive rag to remove any remaining soil. Let the cover air dry while your spa fills.

Sanitize and Balance your Water

Now you that have a clean hot tub and fresh water, your spa is ready to sanitize and prepare for bathers. The Dream Brite Water Solution is the perfect solution for quick and simple water care. Follow the Dream Brite instructions for sanitizing the water in your spa.

Enjoy Cool Weather and Warm Water!

There’s nothing quite like dipping into your spa on a misty autumn morning, or lounging in the warm waters at night with cool air all around you. Now that your hot tub has been prepared for Fall, you can enjoy the beautiful weather from the comfort of your AquaRest spa!