Think you’re stressed out? You’re not alone. The American Psychological Association found that 31 percent of teens report feeling overwhelmed and 30 percent report feeling sad or depressed because of stress. Almost a quarter of teens (23 percent) said they skipped a meal as a result of stress.

The ACA also found that the majority of respondents are not finding ways to reduce their stress — they feel the same amount of stress or even more stress than they did in the previous year.

So what can you do to help your teen manage stress? Making time for relaxation and family time is a simple first step.

Set aside some time every day to talk

Being able to talk through issues causing stress with a parent or trusted adult makes it easier for a teen to manage stress. When you’re in a comfortable environment, it can be more natural to ask about things that are going on at school, with friends, and in relationships that may be causing extra burdens. It may seem like you’re just hanging out, but talking through events of the day can help clear your teen’s head to help them better manage stress.

Let them clear their heads

Family time doesn’t have to just be about “talking it out,” though. When family time is regular and fun, it can be a very healthy distraction from outside causes of stress. It’s not always easy to set aside this time, but you may be surprised by how much you look forward to a regular night when you can all come together, play games and unwind. When it’s time to enjoy yourself, try not to worry about school or homework. Focus on having fun.

Get plenty of sleep

During the school week it may be difficult to get enough sleep. Because sleep is so essential for both physical and emotional well-being, adolescents should ideally get nine hours of sleep per night. We’ve pointed out some ways that a hot tub can help with a better night’s sleep on our blog. Incorporating a nightly soak into your family’s routine is an easy way to help your teen relax before bed and prepare them for a better night’s sleep.

There’s plenty that is out of our control when it comes to helping teens manage stress. Fortunately, creating a comforting, relaxing, and fun environment for the family to spend time together can help your teens to unwind and take some of the weight of the day off of their shoulders.